Hi there 👋

Welcome to the development blog of this project.

  • Just keep coming back to read about the latest changes.
  • The goal of this project is to provide a platform for rugby.
  • This will become a place to check the latest news and results.
  • Take a look @ demo

Admin Login and the God Dam Learning Curve

Admin Login The last couple of days have been quiet successful. People with admin accounts can log into the backend of the site and once they do they actually see something. Its actually quiet good looking. Designwise probably my life-time best work, so far. But it does not just look good. It has some first functions aswell. One entry in the navigation says ‘Games’ and once you click on it you see all the recent games which have not updated scoreboard yet....

May 19, 2023 Â· 2 min Â· 357 words Â· Henning

Jwt and Admin Login

Frontend Improvements Over the last month the frontend got some major updates. At this point the user can navigate through leagues, clubs, teams, games and more. It feels like quiet an interactive website already. A couple more details are missing but its getting there, especially with most of the design questions already answered. JWT Authentication In the first stage of the website there will be only a login. There will not be a public registration....

May 11, 2023 Â· 1 min Â· 178 words Â· Henning

Setting Up Directus

directus.io The original plan was to create a new app from scratch - ideally in golang. Today this idea was killed. It is just to much effort to get started. The new plan involves a component called directus. It is a headless cms and makes it super easy to setup an individual data structure. Out of the box it implements apis for rest and graphql. So the plan is to use this setup as long as possible and put the main focus on the frontend written in NextJs....

February 6, 2023 Â· 1 min Â· 184 words Â· Henning

My First Post

After a long time with no real progress I decided to restart this project again. But before a new line of code is written, this blog needed to be set up. Maybe not for you, but definitly for me. The benefit of a blog is, that it works like a diary. You can always look back and read what you wrote. Remember the struggles and evaluate the progress. Maybe this will help getting this thing back on track....

February 1, 2023 Â· 1 min Â· 78 words Â· Henning